The aim of the session YOUNG SCIENTISTS, that is part of the conference, is to promote and encourage doctoral students to develop their research activities in the context of current economic challenges.
Young scientists give doctoral students the opportunity to facilitate the exchange and to discuss the research results at international level by bringing together doctoral students and experienced researchers in a professional and social forum. This conference provides a stimulating environment in which doctoral students can exchange ideas, establish informal networks and initiate future collaborative research.
Young scientists offers doctoral students a special advantage. Presented papers will be judged by conference committee and the best three presentations will be awarded:
1st prize: | |
2nd prize: | |
3rd prize: | |
Registration, deadlines and fees
To take part at the CEFE 2018 a registration in the conference registration portal is required. To access the registration system click here:
Prospective authors are invited to submit an electronic version of the paper
* in English related to conference topics. The Conference Programme Committee will decide which paper will be included in the conference program. Accepted papers will be indicated within the conference registration system. The authors of rejected contributions will be informed via e-mail.
Please use the provided conference manuscript template
"Template" (containing guidelines) for the submission. The Conference Programme Committee can decide to reject papers which do not follow these guidelines.
For further information regarding topics, deadline and fees please see other sections of CEFE 2018 web-site.
General conditions of the competition in the YOUNG SCIENTISTS 2018 session: |
- only internal or external PhD students can be authors of evaluated papers
- only papers presented during the conference will be involved into the competition
- awarded sum of money will be divided among authors
Evaluation criteria of the papers in the YOUNG SCIENTISTS session (maximum 100 points): |
- theoretical background and relevance of the literature (10 points)
- adequacy of applied methods and data (10 points)
- accuracy of analysis and interpretation of results (10 points)
- scientific contribution of the paper (20 points)
- practical contribution of the paper (20 points)
- presentation of the paper (20 points)
- response to questions in discussion (10 points)
* All papers will be reviewed and accepted contributions will be included in the online conference proceedings, which will be submitted to be considered for CPCI (Conference Proceedings Citation Index, an integrated index) within Thomson Reuters Web of Science. |  |